Friday, August 30, 2013

Starting to Do the Simply Filling Technique

I have been going to Weight Watchers for going on two years now (at least this time around) and I have been disappointed with myself. I have lost weight but with the stresses that have been in my life I haven't stuck to plan like I should have. I find myself making excuses and justifying to myself that I deserve some type of food item that I don't need.

I started back on September 10th, 2011. I weighed in at 224.8 pounds. I'm not ashamed to say it, because I never want to be there again. Ever. Last week I weighed in at 202 pounds. I totally destroyed my downward trend that started earlier this summer. I was in it to win. Then all hell broke loose. Now I'm looking at that 202 and I'm upset that I let it get that far.

I went up 4.4 pounds from the week before. It has taken most of this week for me to become totally disgusted with this fact. Because at the beginning of the week I was making excuses of "Well I had Chinese on Thursday (my weigh in is on Saturday mornings)." There were other excuses. People have started making excuses for me. That is the crazy part.

Okay so since I'm having a hard time keeping track of what I'm eating and I'm feeling restricted (which is stupid because you can eat anything you want on Weight Watchers Points+) I have decided that I am going to use the Weight Watchers' Simply Filling Technique. This Technique is exactly how it sounds. You eat until you're satisfied and you eat your 8 healthy guidelines. Very little processed foods at all.

The guidelines in no particular order are: 1) Drink 6 8oz. glasses of fluids (non-alcoholic), 2) Get 2 servings of low-fat or fat-free dairy, 3) Get 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day, 4) Take a multi-vitamin, 5) Get in 2 tsp of healthy oils a day, 6) Get 30 minutes of activity a day, 7) Eat whole grains instead of white when you can, and 8) Eat lean protein.

To be healthy adults and kids even we should be following these steps anyway. They are essentially the food pyramid that we were all taught in school. It is do able. You just gotta do it. Plan it. Do it. Perfect Planning Prevents Poor Performance.

I know that today is Friday and the last day of my week. I get that. I started a day "early." Why not start when it's the day I weigh in right? Well the other mantra is you can always change what you eat as soon as the next meal. You make your own choices.

Last night I planned as much as I usually do and I went to the grocery store. I spent quite a bit of money on fruits and veggies. I am sticking to this. No veggie or piece of fruit will get left behind. They are expensive and I'm going to get my moneys worth.

I'm sure that when I go to weigh in tomorrow morning I'll probably see another gain. I half don't even want to be told if I lost or gained because it's the past and it's behind me there is nothing I can do about it now.

I'm doing the Simply Filling Technique, and I am going to lose!

Also I still have items up for sale on eBay you might want to check out. Right now I have books and DVDs that I don't want to have to move. Next items to go up will be baby clothes.

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