Sunday, August 11, 2013

Excuses Excuses

My weight loss is a journey. That is what I have to keep telling myself. It's the only way I can keep at it. Because deep inside me is that part that says "I want it off right now and if it isn't going to disappear then screw all of it." It is a journey. It just happens to be an incredibly long one if I don't stick with it and do it.

I have tons of excuses. Here are a few:

1. You're going through a divorce.
2. You're having to look for work.
3. You're having to look for daycare.
4. That sushi looks really good.
5. It's just one piece of cake.
6. I'll get right back to it after this...

They go on and on, but all they do is just make the journey longer. I guess it is going to come down to how much longer do I want this journey to take. I have set goals before to reach before a certain date and it doesn't work. Because if I don't make the goal I set for myself then I self sabotage and gain a couple of pounds back.

I try to make activity goals and those don't seem to work either. I'm really gung ho about them in the beginning and then other things get in the way. Here are a few of those:

1. I don't have time.
2. My favorite program is on.
3. I'm too tired.
4. It's too early.
5. I just took a shower.
6. It's raining out.

I need to realize that no matter what I'm doing there is some way that I can work in some kind of activity even if it is getting up and walking in place while I watch my favorite TV program. There is all of the time in the world to watch those, and for those minutes wasted sitting I could be up walking in place just so that I'm doing something.

I need to release these excuses and move on and instead of saying "I can't" I need to start saying "I can."

What are some of your excuses? What's holding you back?

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