Friday, October 3, 2014

So Much Has Changed

So much has changed since I last wrote.

  1. I moved out. 
  2. I'm loving being my own person.
Crazy how just moving out will change your out look on things.

  • I'm getting a chance to organize things my way. 
  • I've got so much more space to spread out. 
  • I feel my creative juices flowing again.
    • I'm making jewelry. 
    • I'm writing. 
    • I'm crocheting. 

  1. I don't feel like I'm being held to be something that I really am not.
  2. I have been able to hang out with friends and have good times.
  3. I have been able to enjoy time with my son most every day.
I am going to write more here starting now. I've got some ideas and I'd like to share them. See you again soon! How has your time been?