Happy New Year! And yes the year is still new. It's still January for another week (at least). The past couple of months that I haven't been posting is because I have been busy. I worked at Hobby Lobby for all of three weeks before I had to quit. The store manager at the store that I was working at was not helpful in how he made the schedule for people to know when they were to work the following week.

Now I'm working at a pretty active job as a cashier/bagger. The days can feel long while working there but my Active Link is showing that I am really banking the Activity Points. Bad thing is I haven't been following the plan for Weight Watchers with either the Points Plus or Simply Filling. My weight loss chart shows this too.
I obviously need to get back on track and start following one of the plans. Hopefully in the near future (i.e. the next two months) I will be finally moving out. People say that divorce is the best weight loss plan out there, but so far it hasn't been. I started working at my grocery store the last day of November last year. I really want these Activity Points to be put to good use.
I want to start doing the Simple Start/Simply Filling starting tomorrow. I do believe that I have all of the stuff I might actually need (at least for a day or two).
Couponing is also going to be a big focus for me this next year considering I'll be on one income. I just hope that I'll be able to stick to losing when I have to save money.
Do you have any money saving tips while trying to lose weight?