Friday, October 3, 2014

So Much Has Changed

So much has changed since I last wrote.

  1. I moved out. 
  2. I'm loving being my own person.
Crazy how just moving out will change your out look on things.

  • I'm getting a chance to organize things my way. 
  • I've got so much more space to spread out. 
  • I feel my creative juices flowing again.
    • I'm making jewelry. 
    • I'm writing. 
    • I'm crocheting. 

  1. I don't feel like I'm being held to be something that I really am not.
  2. I have been able to hang out with friends and have good times.
  3. I have been able to enjoy time with my son most every day.
I am going to write more here starting now. I've got some ideas and I'd like to share them. See you again soon! How has your time been?

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! And yes the year is still new. It's still January for another week (at least). The past couple of months that I haven't been posting is because I have been busy. I worked at Hobby Lobby for all of three weeks before I had to quit. The store manager at the store that I was working at was not helpful in how he made the schedule for people to know when they were to work the following week.

Weight ChartNow I'm working at a pretty active job as a cashier/bagger. The days can feel long while working there but my Active Link is showing that I am really banking the Activity Points. Bad thing is I haven't been following the plan for Weight Watchers with either the Points Plus or Simply Filling. My weight loss chart shows this too.

I obviously need to get back on track and start following one of the plans. Hopefully in the near future (i.e. the next two months) I will be finally moving out. People say that divorce is the best weight loss plan out there, but so far it hasn't been. I started working at my grocery store the last day of November last year. I really want these Activity Points to be put to good use.

I want to start doing the Simple Start/Simply Filling starting tomorrow. I do believe that I have all of the stuff I might actually need (at least for a day or two).

Couponing is also going to be a big focus for me this next year considering I'll be on one income. I just hope that I'll be able to stick to losing when I have to save money.

Do you have any money saving tips while trying to lose weight?